Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Strike a Pose!

Aaahhh, the camera, she is back. Yay! I finally was able to take pictures yesterday, and it was beautiful outside, and all the neighborhood kids were running around enjoying the cool fall weather. So we had a little photo shoot.

There's Kassity on top, holding Curious George. George is modeling the hat and booties I made for the neighbor's baby, who is due tomorrow. We can't wait for him to come out of Di's belly so we can all see him. And that's Trenton and Shane on the bottom. They had to have their turn with the monkey too.

Baby Nevaya wanted to model everything, so here she is with Kaylee, George and his ensemble, and the recently finished granny square afghan. Aren't they beautiful? (I meant the kids, of course.)

Another gratuitous baby and blankie shot and the full view of the afghan:

I'm just too tired to give project specs for these two tonight, so I'll leave that for tomorrow. For now, I'm off to feed the girls dinner and give them baths. Maybe I can squeeze in some more crocheting before the night is over. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed, but I won't be holding my breath for it!

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